What is Low Libido in Men?

Low libido in men is less desire and frequency of engaging in sexual activity or having problems getting an erection. It can be temporary or long-term. Perhaps you are not alone- around 1 in every 5 men has a low libido and seeks medical help. 

It is important to understand that your sex drive changes throughout your life and has no optimal levels. However, if low sexual engagement is causing distress between you and your partner and affecting your psychological health, it is problematic. Fortunately, it can be managed, and with effective therapies, treatments, and natural remedies, you can regain your natural sex desire.

So, let’s learn in detail.

Symptoms of low libido in men

The symptoms of low libido in men can vary from person to person. However, the majority of men experience some common symptoms, including a low desire for sex and even masturbation. Individuals also have less or no thoughts about sexual fantasies and are unhappy due to less sexual desire.

Causes of low libido in men

There is a list of potential causes of low libido in men. Here are the most common causes:

  • Stress: Psychological factors like stress and depression due to financial, family, or work can lead to low libido
  • Hormonal imbalance: Libido also depends on the level of male hormones. Testosterone in males fluctuates throughout their lives, so their libido 
  • Health conditions: Pre-existing health conditions, including Cancer, Diabetes, low thyroid, high blood pressure, kidney conditions, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and heart problems, can cause low sex drive
  • Depression: Depression can cause an imbalance of the neurotransmitters that regulate libido, thus affecting the sex drive
  • Sexual dysfunction: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, or Delayed Ejaculation can also cause low libido in males. Buy Kamagra Gold 100mg and find relief
  • Relationship problems: Relationship conflicts with your partner can also affect libido
  • Physical activity: Either excessive or low physical activity can decrease libido
  • Medicinal side effects: Antidepressants, chemotherapy, and blood pressure medicines can affect libido
  • Alcohol: Drinking excessive alcohol is also one of the causes of low libido in men
  • Smoking: Excessive smoking can suppress Testosterone levels and lead to decreased libido
  • Anxiety: Sexual performance anxiety around sex can cause low sex desire

Treatment for low libido in males

Though the list of numerous causes that lead to low libido in men is vast, its treatment and management are possible. Here’s how you can regain sexual desire in the simple ways:

  • Foods: You can incorporate foods to increase libido in males in your dietary routine, including strawberries, spinach, dark chocolates, ginseng, raw oysters
  • Stress management: Low libido can be managed with yoga, meditation, and self-care activities
  • Sex therapy: It can play a remarkable role in finding the underlying cause of your low sex drive and discussing solutions with your sex therapist. Bring your partner on a couple therapy sessions to strengthen your relationship
  • Testosterone therapy: Treat your hormonal imbalance with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) to increase your libido. It can also improve erectile function and is available in many forms, including pills, patches, injections, and creams


Low libido in men is a decreased desire to participate in sex. It can also cause less desire to masturbate and have sexual fantasies. Stress, low Testosterone, health problems, relationship conflicts, medicinal side effects, and lifestyle factors can cause it. Fortunately, it can be managed with natural remedies, including dietary modifications, stress management, and seeking help from a therapist. You can also seek Testosterone Replacement Therapy for effective results.